An Anti-Distraction System For Authors
James C. Rocks [2021-08-01]

 An Anti-Distraction System For Authors

Like most authors, we have problems concentrating. In these days of the internet, of social networking, it is easy to get distracted. Facebook, Twitter and other social networks never sleep, they’re always there, always calling us; we decide to check our newsfeed (or whatever) and what seems to be a two-minute tasks leads us down the rabbit hole and ends up being an hour or more. The solution, it seems to me, is to block access to such sites during specific periods but blocking software is expensive. So I decided to turn some of my scripting skills to creating a system that would act as a barrier to such sites.


Free Stuff
James C. Rocks [2019-05-10]

 Free Stuff
Writing is a slow process, especially for me but I am (I assure you) working on stuff, the second book in my "Abyssal Void War" trilogy and another cooperative project I am working on with a fellow author. So, I include here some of my earlier work for your interest along with some work by fellow authors.


Science In Science Fiction
James C. Rocks [2018-10-20]

 Science In Science Fiction
Science fiction is easy enough to write but not necessarily well and old bookshops (and now, I suppose, the equivalent virtual stores) are full of often exciting but essentially daft space literature. Whilst some liberties can, arguably must, be taken, having chosen to write science fiction the author needs to reign in his or her excesses and confine their tale to something more believable. I would argue a science fiction writer has to have a good grasp of what is or is not possible, not necessarily now but in the future and, more than that, it has to be reasonable. Hollywood space films have conditioned us to expect scenes of rolling asteroids, fighters swooping in and out of danger, manoeuvring around each other in aerial style dogfights, missiles streaking after ships in long curving paths and, of course, the classic sounds of laser and explosions. None of these can really happen in space and a science fiction author should consider such things carefully before using such tropes.


Learning To Write, Part 2
James C. Rocks [2016-03-31]

 Learning To Write, Part 2
In the last article, I dealt with mastery of your chosen language. This article discusses the basic inspiration which we gain from a variety of sources such as events, people, books, movies, television. My own arose from book series, several well-written and one not so much and from that, I could imagine better and whilst I may never fulfil that dream it gave me something to aim for. The next requirement is dealt with, in the following article.


Learning To Write, Part 1
James C. Rocks [2016-03-30]

 Learning To Write, Part 1
Writing may not be as easy as it appears at first glance. This article, the first of three, starts the discussion of what I think are those essential skills, the first of which is a good understanding of the language in which you choose to write. It then goes on to discuss ways in which you can improve your language skills. The next requirement is dealt with, in the following article.


The Continuing Journey Of A New Author, An Introduction
James C. Rocks [2016-03-01]

 The Continuing Journey Of A New Author, An Introduction
This article briefly introduces me, my work, my background and my website. It outlines (at time of writing) my progress towards the publishing of my first and second novels in "The Abyssal Void War" series and briefly mentions other things to be found here including reviews and opinion pieces.



Go ahead, make my day.

Harry Callahan (Sudden Impact, 1983)

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